Alabama State Seal


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Includes all 2 required posters
All-in-One Poster
Compact & easy to put up
Up to date guarantee *
* While we strive to keep our free posters updated, government resources can be unreliable, and we're not liable for any fines due to outdated posters.
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Visit Corporate Labor Law
Includes all 2 required posters
All-in-One Poster
No tape or pushpins
Up to date guarantee *
* Corporate Labor Law Posters offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on their labor law posters, which are updated on a regular basis..

Mandatory Alabama Labor Law Posters

All Alabama businesses with at least one employee are required to display certain notices advising employees of their rights in the workplace. These mandatory federal and state labor law posters must appear in conspicuous places accessible to all employees, such as break or lunch rooms. Labor laws change frequently, and it is the employer's responsibility to make sure posters are up-to-date.


Where can I download free Alabama Labor Law Posters?

There are only a few places where you can get labor law posters for free. The federal and state agencies are two such sources. But, many state websites are not easy to use and can be confusing. On this page, you can easily download all the posters that are mandatory, industry-related, and recommended. All of these posters can be printed and will help employers fulfill their legal obligations.

What are the Potential Penalties for Failure to Comply?

If an employer fails to comply with labor law poster requirements, there can be potential penalties. These penalties can vary depending on the specific laws and regulations of the state and federal government. Some potential consequences of non-compliance include fines, citations, and even legal action by employees. In addition, failure to comply with labor law poster requirements may lead to a damaged reputation for the business and difficulties in attracting and retaining employees. It is essential for employers to stay up-to-date on labor law poster requirements and ensure that they are in compliance to avoid these potential penalties.

What is OSHA poster?

The OSHA poster is a labor law poster that employers are required to display in a prominent location in the workplace. OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which is a federal agency that sets and enforces safety and health regulations for workers. The OSHA poster informs employees of their rights to a safe and healthy workplace, as well as the employer's responsibilities for maintaining a safe work environment. The poster also provides information on how to file a complaint with OSHA and how to report workplace accidents and injuries. Displaying the OSHA poster is mandatory for employers covered by OSHA, and failure to do so may result in penalties and fines.

What Labor Law Posters are required for my business in Alabama?

Alabama Workers' Compensation Notice: This poster provides information about employees' rights and responsibilities in case of a workplace injury or illness. Federal Minimum Wage Notice: This poster informs employees of the federal minimum wage and their right to overtime pay. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Notice: This poster provides information on employees' rights to a safe and healthy workplace and how to report workplace hazards. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Notice: This poster informs employees of their rights under USERRA, which protects their employment rights when they are called to active military duty. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Notice: This poster provides information about employees' rights to take unpaid leave for family and medical reasons. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Notice: This poster informs employees of their rights under federal anti-discrimination laws. Additionally, depending on the industry and specific circumstances of the business, other labor law posters may be required. It is important for employers to stay up-to-date on labor law poster requirements to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.

Federal Labor Law Posters

Alabama Labor Law Posters

Alabama Child Labor Law
Workers' Compensation Notice

Workers' compensation notice poster

Alabama Child Labor Law - Spanish
Unemployment Compensation poster for employers
Your Job Insurance
Unemployment Compensation Fraud
UC Partials Poster
There are 2 Alabama required workplace posters.